Wersja polska

Jarosław Sowiński
Present position:Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Lodz University of Technology
Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering
Address:Wolczanska Street 213
93-005 Lodz
Contact:tel. 42 6313705, 882167755
e-mail: jaroslaw.sowinski@p.lodz.pl
Academic Degrees:
In 1993, I was employed at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the Department of Process Engineering and Environmental Protection in the Technical University of Lodz as an assistant.
February 23, 2001, on the basis of a doctoral dissertation entitled: "Studying the basic parameters of air-lift column with external circulation" I got a Ph.D. degree in the discipline of process engineering.From that year until today I work at the Department of Chemical Engineering as a lecturer.
Work experience, internships:1993 - 2001 Assistant in the Department of Process Engineering and Environmental Protection in the Technical University of Lodz.
2001 until today - Lecturer at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the Department of Process Engineering and Environmental Protection in the Technical University of Lodz.

In 1996, after being invited by the World Environment Center, I participated in the two-week study visit to the USA.

For five years I have worked as a consultant at the Environment Pollution Prevention Centre at the Technical University of Lodz. During this time, I have organized and conducted training of the prevention of environmental pollution. I managed an environmental-technic survey at the Military Aviation Works in Lodz.
Administrative duties:Student Scientific In the years 2008 -2012 I was leading a student scientific group at WIPOS. In the years 2009 to 2012. I have also organized WIPOS stands at the Lodz Science Picnic.
In 2011-2012 I was the secretary of the teaching committee for the faculty Chemical and Process Engineering. At the same time, after completing the preparatory training cycle, I was the coach of describing the departmental training programs based on learning outcomes.
Since 2012, I have been Vice-Dean for Student Affairs at the Department of Process Engineering and Environmental Protection, Technical University of Lodz
Research experience:During my work I have published 27 articles in peer-reviewed journals including 9 from the list of ISI (ISI Master Journal List) and had 16 presentations at national and international conferences.
I have managed the research project No. 4 T09C 009 28 entitled "Hydrodynamics of two-phase flow of gas-liquid in vertical microchannels" and have participated as a main contractor and the contractor in four other research projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Teaching experience:
  • fluid mechanics
  • process mechanics
  • chemical engineering
  • water supply and sewerage networks
  • cleaner production
  • environmentally friendly technologies
  • the best available techniques
Research interests:multiphase flows, water supply networks, efficiency of the production processes
Selected publications:
Monographs/ book chapters:
  1. J. Sowiński, M. Krawczyk, M. Dziubiński, Comparison of experimental data and numerical simulation of two-phase flow pattern in vertical minichannel, Chemical and Process Engineering 2012, 33 (1), 63-70
  2. J. Sowiński, H. Fidos, M. Sójka, Analysis of functioning conditions of water distribution in the small rural system, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Series of Monographs, 2009, vol 3 s. 69-74
  3. J. Sowiński, M. Dziubiński, H. Fidos, Velocity and gas-void fraction in two-phase liquid-gas flow In narrow mini-channels, Archives of Mechanics, 2009, vol. 61, s. 29 – 40
  4. H. Fidos, J. Sowiński, M. Dziubiński, R. Krokos, Spadek ciśnienia w przepływie rzutowym mieszanin dwufazowych gaz-ciecz nienewtonowska, Przemysł Chemiczny 2008, 2 s. 111- 115
  5. J. Sowiński, M. Dziubiński, Two-phase liquid-gas flow pattern in the limited space of a mini-reactor. Polish J. Env. Stud. Vol 16, p. 788 (2007)
  6. J. Sowiński, Pressure losses in two-phase liquid-gas flow in minichannels. Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa, 2007, 28 s. 1137-1145
  7. Ł. Tomczak, J. Sowiński, Application of image analysis to determine two-phase liquid- gas flow parameters in narrow minichannels. Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa  2007, 28 s. 11347-1156
  8. Dziubiński M., Sowiński J., Prędkość cyrkulacji cieczy w półtechnicznych kolumnach air-lift, Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa, 2002, 23, 141-150.
  9. Dziubiński M. , Sowiński J. Stopień zatrzymania gazu w półtechnicznych kolumnach air-lift, Inż. Chem. Proc., 2001, 22, 397
  10. Dziubiński M., Sowiński J.: Powierzchnia kontaktu międzyfazowego w kolumnie air-lift: Inżyniera Chemiczna i Procesowa, 1999, 20. 409-421
  11. Dziubiński M., Sowiński J., Stopień zatrzymania gazu i współczynnik wnikania tlenu w półtechnicznej kolumnie air - lift z cyrkulacją zewnętrzną, Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa, 1997, 18, 1, 39-55
Lodz University of Technology
Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering
93-005 Lodz, Wolczanska Street 213, POLAND
+48 42 631 37 00, +48 42 631 37 41
Fax +48 42 636 56 63